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Conference Themes

Government Innovation

Innovation is critical to the success of future governments and is at the heart of government modernization and transformation initiatives. Therefore, this theme addresses the innovation enablers, opportunities, and challenges. Moreover, it will focus on stimulating an innovation culture in government work and innovation’s role in developing the business environment and providing government services. The theme also addresses global trends in innovation, the most prominent methodologies, tools, and applied practices in government innovation.

Public Policies

Public policies are concerned with government work, which represents all efforts made by various governments to maintain development and reform in all social, economic, and technological aspects. Since public policies play a significant role in achieving the goals of government work, they should focus on innovation and modernization to achieve government aspirations. Therefore, this theme focuses on public policies as a means of fostering innovation. It also discusses the methods and challenges of developing and implementing public policies in the light of economic, social, and technological changes, as well as methods for public policies to be re-envisioned to reflect the future of government work.

Digital Transformation

This theme covers topics related to digital transformation, including the means of using the emerging digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence, the internet of things, blockchain, and smart business solutions in government. It also discusses how data is used for achieving administrative development goals and digital transformation innovation. The Fourth Industrial Revolution will be discussed in relation to encouraging innovation in government work as well as enhancing the most prominent applied practices and cutting-edge international experiences to enable emerging technologies and promote digital transformation.

Finance and Economy

Despite the global economic downturn in 2020, the exceptional support provided by governments prevented the exacerbation of that crisis. However, in spite of the measures that were adopted to stimulate the economy, the outlook remains surrounded by a high degree of uncertainty. In the coming years, a new round of scientific and technological revolutions is expected to accelerate global technological advancement and innovation. This will inevitably result in significant and fundamental changes in future economic patterns. As a result, within this theme, senior officials, academics, policy analysts, and business leaders will gather to discuss the world economic outlook and identify future economic opportunities and challenges.